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Minute Meditation

(Elder Florence M. Johnson)



Love - God's Way

Many of us use the word love, but do we really mean what we say?  If our spouse makes an unwise decision, do we ridicule them?  When our children misbehave do we call them stupid or scream at them in frustration?  If a coworker is caught in a negative situation, do we gossip and talk about them?  None of this is love.


I Corinthians, Chapter 13 explains love by God’s standards.  Love is patient and kind, not boastful, envious or rude, and is not easily moved to anger.  Love doesn’t keep a list of wrongs.  It protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres and best of all, love never fails.

I Corinthians 13:1-3 makes it very plain:  we can prophesy, speak in tongues, give to the poor and have all the faith in the world, but if we don’t have love, God’s love, these gifts and good deeds are all for nothing.


Let’s all love the way God wants us to love.  Spend quality time with our children and help them to learn.  Forgive the mistakes of others just as God forgives our own.  Instead of spreading gossip, pray.  Give others the same patience, care and respect that we want for ourselves.
God’s love never fails and if we follow His example, neither will we.  “These three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (
I Corinthians 13:13)

Our personal invitation to you:

If you don't have a church home, now is the perfect time to find one.  We welcome you to our home, The First Love Alive Victory Army (FLAVA) Church.  Here you will find a loving atmosphere with spiritual, educational, and practical tools for salvation of the mind, body, soul, and spirit.  We offer a supportive community with opportunity for personal and spiritual growth - all online!


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