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Minute Meditation

(Elder Florence M. Johnson)



Happy New, Born Again You!

Many people celebrate the New Year with dancing, toasts and New Year resolutions.  They “resolve” to lose weight, pay off debt and overcome other challenges.  Here’s a resolution to help us all live victorious lives, now and forever after: Be Born Again!

John 3:1-5 explains, when we are “Born Again” - start our lives all over again by becoming children of God through faith in Jesus Christ – we will enter the Kingdom of God.  We can experience the royal power of Jesus, power that enables us to be capable, safe, strong and even experience miracles, right here, right now, in this life, and - we’ll live forever after.

Don’t just sit in church once a week and read bible passages.  Let the Bible, God’s anointed Word, wash you inside and out.  Meditate on it; think about it, believe it and practice it.  Just like a natural flood covers land, God’s Holy influence will cover us!  God will change us into the born again beings we are meant to be. 

The first step is to be Saved; accept the ABCs of Salvation, found in 

Romans 10:9-13:

1. Admit (Confess) that Jesus is Lord
2. Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and
3. Call on the Name of the Lord (God’s power and authority) to lead you


When we do this we become new people in Christ. We’re born again!  God helps us let go of old habits and develop beautiful new ones.  Let’s all see the Kingdom of God and experience the power of Jesus Christ, enabling us to be safe, strong and powerful, always and forever.  Amen!

Our personal invitation to you:

If you don't have a church home, now is the perfect time to find one.  We welcome you to our home, The First Love Alive Victory Army (FLAVA) Church.  Here you will find a loving atmosphere with spiritual, educational, and practical tools for salvation of the mind, body, soul, and spirit.  We offer a supportive community with opportunity for personal and spiritual growth - all online!


You are welcome to join us online, by internet, for Sunday Service at 9:00am and weekly Bible Study and Prayer, Tuesdays at 7:00pm.  We also offer online, collegiate studies at the Faith Christian College, Monday evenings at 7:00pm.

For more information visit our Home Page, Faith Christian College Page, and Bible Study and Prayer Page.


You can contact us through this link: Contact Us, or email us at:  God bless you!

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