Minute Meditation
(Elder Florence M. Johnson)
God's Rest
The Labor Day Holiday marks the end of summer, the beginning of fall and for many, a day to relax. The original intentions, however, were different. In the 1830s, laborers typically worked 70 hours a week. A movement began to unify workers, reduce work hours, and honor the contributions workers make to the well-being of our country. In 1884 Congress designated the first Monday in September as Labor Day, an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers in America. Instead of working that day, most people can rest.
God gives us rest too, not once a year but all year long! Jesus promises in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” It is a promise to all who are weary, exhausted and even from grief. Jesus explains in Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me… and you will find rest for your souls.”
When we decide to believe in God, accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and grow in Christian knowledge (through church, bible study, prayer and other God-centered activities) we find God's rest. Rest that offers relief from trials and tribulations. Rest that comforts and refreshes us. Rest that gives us patience and calms our spirits. Rest that extends far beyond a man-made holiday. God's rest is true rest, and available to all who love Him.
Get to know God and enjoy His rest, today and every day. Amen!
Minute Meditations are reflections to help us live our lives with excellence.
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