Grow in the Love, Wisdom, Peace
& Understanding of God's Word!
Join us for Weekly
Bible Study & Prayer
Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 pm

Please join us every Tuesday at 7:00pm for in-depth Bible Study and prayer, online. If you have never used Zoom on your device, please download the Zoom App first:
- On computers, look for
- For Android cell phones, look in the Play Store.
- For iPhones, look in the Apple store.
The app is free and you will not have to download it again.
To Log In:
Option 1:
For computers, laptops and other internet devices, use this link:
Our host will admit you into the service. Be sure to choose the audio and video options when you first log in.
Option # 2:
Dial any of the following telephone numbers (This is for audio only):
(312) 626-6799 | (929) 205 6099 | (312) 626-6799 | (346) 248-7799 |
(669) 900-6833 | (301) 715-8592
If prompted, our Meeting ID # is: 451 635 1815
The Passcode: 8D64Uk (OR) 868420
Please be courteous. When you first log in, make sure you are muted.
Only one person should speak at a time. Thank you.

Enjoy Sermons on the
FLAVA Church YouTube page.
Have a question or comment? We'd love to hear from you!
Use our Contact Page or send an email to:
Comments, Prayers & Testimonies:

We received a prayer request for a little girl, Charlotte, just 3 years old. Her parents took her to the pediatrician because her shoulders hurt. Tests revealed that her liver was enlarged and pressing her ribs, causing the pain. Further examination showed that Charlotte had two tumors in her liver that had metastasized to her lungs. To the person who shared this prayer request with us: Know that we here at FLAVA are praying for Charlotte and for her family. Our Intercessory Prayer Team prays every week, and we pray as part of our Tuesday Night Bible Study as well. We pray for Charlotte's healing and strength, and for courage, strength and comfort for her family. We also pray for you and thank you for reaching out on behalf of your coworker's niece. Praise God for people like you, for reaching out to Him. God bless you!
Apostle Z, Pastor D, and the FLAVA Church Prayer Team
Tuesday night Bible Study is amazing! Not only am I understanding bible scripture better than ever before, but I'm getting to know people as hungry for God as I am, from across the United States - and in a much safer way than connecting through typical internet sites. No "cat-fishin" here!
Elder Flo, FLAVA Church
FLAVA Bible Study and Intercessory Prayer have helped me in ways that are too numerous to explain. The hour we spend together being taught by Apostle Z has been inspirational and educational. I know that regardless of my situation, our Bible Study on Tuesday nights encourage me to look forward to a better tomorrow. God is so good, and I am truly grateful that he has placed the PLPs (prayer line participants) in my path. To God Be The Glory from Whom all blessings flow! Leola, Florida
Connect with the
FLAVA Church
Intercessory Prayer Team!

Let the FLAVA Church Prayer Warriors pray for you! Prayer is a powerful tool, and we're happy to pray on your behalf. God listens.
He's never too tired or too busy to hear your concerns.
Intercessory Prayer is the prayer of individuals who are strong in faith, offered to God on the behalf of others. Our team prays weekly, corporately, and individually for all who ask.
Please share your concerns with us so we can pray for you.
Just use our Contact page. God bless you.